Contact us:

President: Vacancy


Treasurer: Iain McGrory

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Secretary: Sally Davies

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chaplaincy of aquitaine

Click here to visit the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine website...

- 'Chap-Aid' is the charitable arm of the Anglican Chaplaincy of Aquitaine, France. This is the organisation the Chaplaincy has created to enable us to express our Christian faith in practical terms to people throughout the world who are in need.

- The Chaplaincy cannot give money to any outside person or organisation directly as the law requires it to pass such monies through a separate entity. So, to make its giving possible and legal, in 2006 the Chaplaincy created the necessary charitable body – known as an ‘Association Caritative’ or an ‘Association Cultuelle’.

- Called CHAP-AID, the charity’s objectives are to collect and distribute funds to enable it to provide relief to those in need, to support outreach, and to care for individuals in France or elsewhere, and to collect and distribute funds to those ends in a spirit of Christian concern.

Chap-Aid is managed by an annually elected Council.


donateongoing fundraising page for general funds for emergency relief

emergency reliefClick here to make a donation by credit card using a secure platform

When an emergency situation occurs, these funds can be used by Chap-Aid Trustees to make a donation to Shelterbox and Médecins Sans Frontières, to help with their work in providing medical assistance on the ground.

donateWe also ask Local Teams and ChapAid representatives to arrange for collections to be made at services to replenish our general funds so that we will be in a position to react in a similar way to disasters in the future. Please also remember that donations can be made through the ChapAid online donations page (link below).

Many thanks,


Click here to make a donation by credit card using a secure platform


How does Chap-Aid work? Each church sector has an opportunity (prior to the annual Chap-Aid Assembly) to nominate a new charity. This is done through the channel of the Local Committee via the Chap-Aid Representative to the Chap-Aid Trustees.

- Any charity which CHAP-AID supports must not only have aims compatible with the aims and objectives of CHAP-AID but must also be a formally registered charity.

- To ensure that this is so, details of the charity must first be registered with the CHAP-AID Council for due diligence, using a specially produced Application Form (click here to download).

Click here to download the form to request a new charity for Chap-Aid.

- The CHAP-AID Council will then decide on the validity of the charity, after due diligence has been approved. The written agreement of the CHAP-AID Council must be obtained before any fundraising can take place.




The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine is an Association Cultuelle and is governed by the Law on Associations of 1905. CHAP-AID is the Charity Association of the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine under the law governing associations of 1901 No. W332000686.

The registered office, or Siège Sociale, is Le Presbytère, 1 Lotissement la Caussade, 33270 Floirac.